Hakawerk – Laundry Liquid Hakalan


 26.50 195.70

Excellent stain removing qualities. Use for whites and colours alike



High-performance liquid laundry that can remove even the most stubborn stains. Strong degreasing power. Immediately soluble. Contains stain removing agents and activators. Clean, fresh scent. A Miele® certified detergent. Biodegradable. pH 8.5

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A



Volume - Size

3L, 5L, 25L

Hakawerk Laundry Liquid Hakalan Rating by Peter Malaise


Conventional product ratings take in account two parameters: price and performance. But at EYS we want to go the whole nine miles: we evaluate respect towards health and environment as well. That is what distinguishes a future proof product from an average one. Visit: eyservices.com/rating-products-at-eys

Hakawerk - Laundry Liquid Hakalan - EYS Instruction Sheet
